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2 May

What a beautiful day in sunny California. How lucky we are to live on the west coast where gangster rap and beautiful beaches exist. 🙂

Tips to Use Social Media for SEO

20 Apr

There are uncountable advantages of using social media. Few are easy to define, for example, you get fans, followers and number of Likes. The indefinable advantages are developed client service, advertising your brand and enhancing current (client) relationships.

People usual deny social media’s potential, it is just because they do not get it. However, it has its own importance when we talk about marketing campaign. Social media is a long lasting platform, ensure that you make the most from it, for your business.

SEO is a different online marketing source which took a fixed place in the marketing strategies of a lot of companies. As Internet addiction is increasing day by day, lot of queries and searches are made on the Internet itself.
People visit various search engines, type what they want. A product or service which is not found in the search engines, is said to be unavailable. SEO is meant to improve your website’s search engine ranking as well as develop your brand on Internet.

Here we will talk about some tips to use social media for SEO.
Create Account on Social Networking Sites

Apart from four social media giants (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn) there are so many small social networking websites. You can find every type of individuals over there. These small social networking websites have potential to push your ranking up in the search engines as well as improve your online brand recognition.
Remember, do not just create the account and leave it, try to be more active and interactive. An active account will be worth in long term period.

Los Angeles SEO

Select the Correct Name on Twitter
While using Twitter, make sure that you select the correct profile name for yourself or for your brand. It shouldn’t be the username, but the name related with your profile will be shown as the page title.
Proper usage of the keyword or name is vital. Do not use any character or symbol. If you have a simple and understandable profile then there will be high chances where people can understand you, your profile and your business easily.

Tell Your Fans/Followers Why You Are on Social Networking Sites
When you have an account on social networking websites, tell your fans/followers the reason why you are there. You cannot expect your Facebook page become booming unless you let your fan/followers what your intentions are/what your product or service is. Tell them about your product, seek feedback and reviews from them. With this, your online branding goes on. Your product or service gets automatic recognition. The aim is just that they should understand who you are and what do you do.

Controversial Topics Are Worth to Discuss
If you share an URL or topic that is controversial then you can gain a lot of attention from people. With that your site gets popularity and more number of people tends to subscribe to it.

Social media will stay for longer period, so this is a correct time to start using it for business. With these tips, if you start using social media for your SEO, then you can attract media towards your side. Try this new combination and see how it works.

Tips to Use Social Media for SEO

19 Apr

There are uncountable advantages of using social media. Few are easy to define, for example, you get fans, followers and number of Likes. The indefinable advantages are developed client service, advertising your brand and enhancing current (client) relationships.

People usual deny social media’s potential, it is just because they do not get it. However, it has its own importance when we talk about marketing campaign. Social media is a long lasting platform, ensure that you make the most from it, for your business.

SEO is a different online marketing source which took a fixed place in the marketing strategies of a lot of companies. As Internet addiction is increasing day by day, lot of queries and searches are made on the Internet itself.
People visit various search engines, type what they want. A product or service which is not found in the search engines, is said to be unavailable. SEO is meant to improve your website’s search engine ranking as well as develop your brand on Internet.

Santa Clarita SEO

Here we will talk about some tips to use social media for SEO.

Create Account on Social Networking Sites
Apart from four social media giants (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn) there are so many small social networking websites. You can find every type of individuals over there. These small social networking websites have potential to push your ranking up in the search engines as well as improve your online brand recognition.

Remember, do not just create the account and leave it, try to be more active and interactive. An active account will be worth in long term period.
Select the Correct Name on Twitter

While using Twitter, make sure that you select the correct profile name for yourself or for your brand. It shouldn’t be the username, but the name related with your profile will be shown as the page title.
Proper usage of the keyword or name is vital. Do not use any character or symbol. If you have a simple and understandable profile then there will be high chances where people can understand you, your profile and your business easily.

Tell Your Fans/Followers Why You Are on Social Networking Sites
When you have an account on social networking websites, tell your fans/followers the reason why you are there. You cannot expect your Facebook page become booming unless you let your fan/followers what your intentions are/what your product or service is. Tell them about your product, seek feedback and reviews from them. With this, your online branding goes on. Your product or service gets automatic recognition. The aim is just that they should understand who you are and what do you do.

Controversial Topics Are Worth to Discuss
If you share an URL or topic that is controversial then you can gain a lot of attention from people. With that your site gets popularity and more number of people tends to subscribe to it.

Social media will stay for longer period, so this is a correct time to start using it for business. With these tips, if you start using social media for your SEO, then you can attract media towards your side. Try this new combination and see how it works.

Tips to Get First Page Ranking on Google

19 Apr

Internet marketers dream of seeing their website on the first page of Google. Unfortunately, very less achieve it. Let’s see how we can change it. In this article I’m going to show you how to get first page ranking on Google. However, I can’t guarantee you of first page Google ranking.

If you can get first page ranking on Google, you can get huge traffic. When you are on Google’s first page then you get more leads, make huge sales and in the end large number of money.
To explain to you in detail about how to get first page ranking on Google, I would’ve write a book on it. But to save your time and for better understanding, I opt to write this article. Here are some tips for you.

Have a Fresh Content
People think that it’s easy to fool Google, but that’s not the reality. If you have a fresh content on your website, then Google gives value to your website. It always prefers the websites who have fresh content and ignores who does not have.
So, it’s better if you come up with a new process. You can write blog posts frequently or highlight your homepage with some event and project. These frequent changes really matter a lot from Google’s point of view.

Keyword Promotion

Let’s see the words on the page. Ensure that your keyword is on the top, middle and bottom of the homepage. Let me explain to you with the help of an example, you write on your homepage something like this “Welcome to Excellent article writing service, our article writing service has been in the industry for nearly a decade. Many clients got benefited with our article writing service.”

You saw how the target keywords repeated in the beginning paragraph. It is not so difficult to do, it will be great if you do it few times on the whole page. Google is successful because it is built on the basis of relevancy. If your website is based on relevancy then your website has more chance of getting on first page of Google.


Blog Commenting
Blog commenting is one of the easiest ways to make leads, generate traffic, improve your website ranking. So, start commenting on the blog post. If you comment on a blog which is from your niche then chances of your comment approval will increase. Your comment should look genuine. If it looks fake or irrelevant then it will land into spam folder.

Search for .Gov/.Edu blog posts. When your comments are approved on these blog posts, then your website’s ranking improves in a great way.


Article Submission
Article submission is an effective source to get your website on Google’s first page. Write an original and informative article; submit it on article directories like,,, and many more.
Google crawls articles from these directories. When your content and website is found on these directories, then Google believes your content and website. By this way your online presence increases and this leads to getting first page ranking on Google.

To get first page ranking on Google is not so easy, but it is not impossible too. If you follow these tips correctly then you will see your website’s ranking rising extensively and it will end up landing on the first page of Google.

How to Use Twitter for Business

19 Apr

When I first time heard about Twitter, I felt like it’s just another social networking website, which can be a time wasting web. I questioned myself why would anyone be interested in knowing about what I ate, where I am now, how I rode bike, etc.

Later on, I started thinking how well it could be if I use Twitter for business purpose. When I realized its potential then my jaw dropped to the floor.

Today, many businesses have recognized that Twitter is one of the top social media tools which can help them making publicity. So, here I talk about how to use Twitter for business.

Account Creation
Create an account and move on to Twitter Search where you can hear your name, your business competitor name and info related to your profile. Add a photo to your profile. This will help people in recognizing you easily.
Interact with others. Try knowing about their area of interest. I understand you do not sell any product by doing so, but this shows how real you are. Appreciate your employees, talk something which outside of your business. This will make people understand that you are an interesting personality. They will start following you and they retweet your updates.

Be Interactive
Even though your Twitter account is something that represents your company and publicizes your brand, but it will be great if it looks like a person. People should feel that it is you who is talking to them, not your account. Consider your Twitter account as if it is a spoke person of your company on the Internet, who is interacting and explaining about your business.

Be talkative, but talk in a casual way, try being more informative as well as a happy go lucky person. In this way, you create an amazing reputation of your business. My website utilizes twitter tactics to boost SEO rankings.

Follow the Relevant
When you use Twitter for business, you should follow each employee who uses Twitter; in fact, it will be effective if you follow your former colleagues or people who comes from same industry. Follow the brands which are related to your business. And, if you follow your industry experts then you will receive tips and suggestions from them.

When you follow the relevant people then you will spend a great time on Twitter. People will be pleased with the choice of followers you have and the choice of people you follow. They tend to share a lot of information with you. That’s why following the relevant persons are very crucial.

Do Not Over Promote
Like everywhere, people on Twitter too, feel irritated when they see much promos. This is just because many of them won’t browse to purchase anything. It requires a lot of patience and right technique to convert a follower into a prospective customer.

Utilize your Twitter Background
If you use Twitter for business purpose then Twitter gives you a great option to promote your business. It allows to you upload any image as a background picture. That means it is a superb option to market your product or service with the help of a background image. So try doing it once, you can literally make the most from this indefinable option.

To conclude, if you follow these steps then you Twitter can be a strong tool to grow your business. However, just remember Twitter is all about making connections and utilizing them. These steps will help you achieve them.